We have become so accustomed to hearing preachers or expositors, as important as that is, that many in the process have abandoned the grand privilege of personally hearing from God’s Word daily. - Ravi Zacharrias

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 20- Genesis 42; Job 12-14

This is really even more staging  -- Matthew Henry points out this is bringing Jacob's family to Egypt which is a necessary move for us to understand and for so many more things to happen.  Also, Matthew Henry explains, Genesis shifts now from Jesus interpreting the dreams of others to now, his dreams coming true.  By the way, is anyone else experiencing that you are having much more memorable dreams lately?  (It could the NyQuil too....)

Henry poses the question, why was Joseph so hard on his brothers?  And indicates, surely it was not revenge, but, it was to complete his dreams, to bring repentance on his brothers and genuinely, to find out what was going on with his family.  Henry suggests, why should the brothers believe him, when Joseph says he will do no harm?
Note, With those that fear God we have reason to expect fair dealing. The fear of God will be a check upon those that are in power, to restrain them from abusing their power to oppression and tyranny. Those that have no one else to stand in awe of ought to stand in awe of their own consciences.
Did you see that in Job 12, "And those who provoke God are secure, Whom God brings into their power."  Are you one who is secure enough to provoke God or one cowering in the safety zone like Job's friends, saying the "PC" things, because they are weaker in their true faith?  Or, do you join me in the journey - somewhere in between the two? Is there an in between?

Ha!  How many times in your life have you thought this of someone, "O that you would be completely silent, And that it would become your wisdom?"   Sounds like a good time for me to do the same.  See you tomorrow for the end of week 3!  Are you with me?

1 comment:

  1. I am with you. Catching up. I am really into the story of Joseph. We can see so much in what faith brings to us. Even in the way we deal with those who we think have betrayed us.
