We have become so accustomed to hearing preachers or expositors, as important as that is, that many in the process have abandoned the grand privilege of personally hearing from God’s Word daily. - Ravi Zacharrias

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 136 1 Samuel 2-3; 1 Timothy 2-3

Henry precedes the following quote indicating, there may be many Samuels, but only one Jehovah.

Note, God is to be praised as a peerless being, and of unparalleled perfection. This glory is due unto his name, to own not only that there is none like him, but that there is none besides him. 
Have you ever wondered what is calling you or if someone is calling you?  Were we missing the call?

Note, The call which divine grace designs to make effectual shall be repeated till it is so, that is, till we come at the call; for the purpose of God, according to which we are called, shall certainly stand.
I don't think that God hangs up after the fourth ring.

You know, I can take this message as it is better phrased through Henry's recap, but its an incredibly difficult level to reach for me, you?

"Note, Good works are the best ornament; these are, in the sight of God, of great price. Those that profess godliness should, in their dress, as well as other things, act as becomes their profession; instead of laying out their money on fine clothes, they must lay it out in works of piety and charity, which are properly called good works."

Recently, the rector at our church became a bishop.  He made various comments about the role his wife was to take on. In my eyes, she has always been a strong woman in tending to her children, but this was a new role for me to see of her.  She has taken it with great stride and performs well as a counterpart to her husband.  I wonder how much she had to pray to take on that role, Henry explains,

Note, The mystery of faith is best held in a pure conscience. The practical love of truth is the most powerful preservative from error and delusion. If we keep a pure conscience (take heed of every thing that debauches conscience, and draws us away from God), this will preserve in our souls the mystery of faith. Let these also first be proved, v. 10. It is not fit that the public trusts should be lodged in the hands of any, till they have been first proved, and found fit for the business they are to be entrusted with; the soundness of their judgments, their zeal for Christ, and the blamelessness of their conversation, must be proved. Their wives likewise must have a good character (v. 11); they must be of a grave behaviour, not slanderers, tale-bearers, carrying stories to make mischief and sow discord; they must be sober and faithful in all things, not given to any excess, but trusty in all that is committed to them. All who are related to ministers must double their care to walk as becomes the gospel of Christ, lest, if they in any thing walk disorderly, the ministry be blamed. As he said before of the bishops or ministers, so here of the deacons, they must be the husband of one wife, such as had not put away their wives, upon dislike, and married others; they must rule their children and their own houses well; the families of deacons should be examples to other families.
These passages on the instructions to women are always instructional for me.  Although, I have to say that I feel better reading about what the men have messed up because it is less daunting to me.  I continue to work on this area of my life to improve my Christian life. 

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